Pricing and Advantages

Our goal is to offer outstanding value for your investment. Ultimately, it's about providing straightforward and clear pricing for an excellent package of benefits.


Fractional Invest

Automate your investing with portfolios crafted by experts.

$0.00 / mo
  • Intelligent Portfolio Rebalancing
  • Diverse Investment Portfolios
  • Automatic Dividend Reinvestment
  • Recognized Award-Winning Approach
  • Shared Account Options

Plus Full Access to Built-in Features



Purchase and sell a vast selection of US stocks and ETFs according to your preferences.

$1 per trade
  • Over 4,000 Stocks and ETFs
  • Limit and Stop Order Options
  • Fractional Share Trading
  • Financial News and Reports
  • Extensive Futures and Options Access

Plus Full Access to Built-in Features

Note: Exchange and regulator fee charged additionally on trade.


Purchase and sell leading cryptocurrencies on a regulated exchange.

0.75% spread
  • Purchase in Large Quantities or Fractionally
  • Limit and Stop Order Capabilities
  • Live Cryptocurrency Pricing