Trump Media Stock Surges As Polls Show The Former President Won The Debate

Trump Media Stock Surges

Shares in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (NASDAQ) surged in premarket trading, rising 6.8% on Friday following positive debate performance polls.

Debate Poll Results

A CNN flash poll conducted by SSRS showed that former President Trump outperformed current President Joe Biden in the first presidential debate held on Thursday.

Voter Opinions

  • Trump’s Performance: 67% of debate watchers believed Trump delivered a better performance compared to 33% for Biden.
  • Biden’s Performance: Before the debate, 55% expected Trump to do better, while 45% anticipated Biden would excel.

Partisan Perspectives

  • Republican Viewers: 96% thought Trump won the debate, with 85% believing he addressed presidential concerns effectively.
  • Democratic Viewers: 69% felt Biden won, but only 53% thought he addressed leadership concerns well. Notably, 27% felt neither candidate alleviated concerns.

Impact on Voter Decisions

  • No Effect: 81% of registered voters said the debate did not affect their choice for president.
  • Reconsideration: 14% reconsidered their choice but did not change their mind.
  • Changed Votes: Only 5% reported changing their voting decision based on the debate.

Potential Voter Shifts

  • Trump to Biden: Just 3% of Trump supporters might consider voting for Biden.
  • Biden to Trump: 5% of Biden supporters might consider voting for Trump.

Confidence in Leadership

  • Biden: 57% of debate watchers expressed no real confidence in his ability to lead, with only 14% expressing a lot of confidence.
  • Trump: 44% had no confidence in his leadership, while 36% felt very confident.

The CNN poll reflects the opinions of debate watchers and is not fully representative of the entire voting population’s demographics, political preferences, or attentiveness to politics.

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